Updated 3/24/20
Orlando Sports Medicine values the health and wellbeing of our patients and employees. As you know, the COVID-19 virus has had a profound impact on all of our lives. Through thoughtful actions and diligent efforts, we have been providing an environment that is as safe as possible in which to conduct essential physical therapy services. At this point, we continue to operate our three Central Florida locations in order to provide needed rehabilitation for our patients.
We continue to operate as physical therapists have been designated as “essential” healthcare workers, essential to the critical infrastructure for the United States. By providing our services to the population we reduce the likelihood of the need to visit EDs, physician offices and hospital settings where supplies are limited. (Homeland Security Reference, Orange County Government Reference)
Steps we are taking to help the spread of illness, including COVID-19 (Based on CDC’s – 6 Steps to Prevent COVID-19)
- WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN. We have handwashing stations in each clinic that are available for patients and staff. Staff wash their hands between every patient and throughout the day. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer is also available at each clinic.
- PUT DISTANCE BETWEEN YOURSELF AND OTHERS. We are actively spacing out our patient visits and managing positioning and exercises within the clinic so that patients remain spaced apart.
- STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK. We are screening employees and patients upon arrival. Employees and patients who have a fever or symptoms related to other illnesses are instructed to not come to work and therapy.
- COVER COUGHS AND SNEEZES. When able coughs and sneezes are into a tissue that is then disposed of. If a tissue cannot be grabbed then we advise sneezing or coughing into the elbow. This is followed by hand washing. Tissues are available at each clinic.
- ONLY WEAR A FACEMASK IF YOUR SICK OR CARING FOR SOMEONE WHO IS SICK. We are not caring for those who are sick so our staff will not be consuming PPE like protective masks. These resources are being conserved for those who are caring for those who are sick such as in a hospital or physician office. However, we may have patients who are caring for individuals who are vulnerable to illness who are wearing protective masks in order to be cautious and reduce exposure for those they care for.
- CLEAN AND DISINFECT SURFACES. We clean and disinfect surfaces and equipment between every patient and throughout the day. This includes but is not limited to: treatment tables, work surfaces, exercise equipment, and therapy devices.
We look forward to providing you with outstanding service, expert care, and outstanding results. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at any of our locations. We are happy to help!
ALTAMONTE SPRINGS – 407-332-7816
COLLEGE PARK – 407-601-6412
WATERFORD LAKES – 407-207-7188